Commit 78af4d11 by Jessica Hawkwell

started preliminary support for interrupts, stacks, and function calls

1 parent c44caf9d
Pipeline #211 passed
in 1 minute 8 seconds
# project-specific stuffs
......@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@ import me.felinewith.kcpu.hardware.Kmcu;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.interfaces.IDevice;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.interfaces.IMemory;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.BaseDevice;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.HardwareExec;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.CPUStoppedException;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.HardwareMemIrq;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.HardwareRecvIrq;
......@@ -56,45 +57,66 @@ public class KBoard extends BaseDevice implements IMemory {
System.out.println("CPU up...");
while (cpu.workCycle() != 0xff) {
try {
while (true) {
catch (CPUStoppedException x) {}
System.err.println("CPU Stopped [zpwr]");
System.err.println("Timers stopped");
int a;
for (a = 0; a <= 0xf; a++) {
if (devices[a] != null) {
System.err.println(String.format("device %x stopped", a));
if (memDevs[a] != null) {
System.err.println(String.format("memdev %x stopped", a));
@Override public void memIrq(short addr) {
@Override public void memIrq(short addr, byte irq) {
short dev = checkDevice(addr);
short rdev = (short)(0x0f & dev);
if ( dev == 0x7f ) { devices[0].memIrq(addr); }
StackTraceElement ste = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1];
String className = ste.getClassName();
int sendIrq = 16;
int a;
for (a = 0; a < 16; a++) {
if (devices[a].getClass().getCanonicalName().equals(className)) {
sendIrq = a;
if ( dev == 0x7f ) { devices[0].memIrq(addr, (byte)sendIrq); }
else if ( dev <= 0x0f ) {
short devOff = deviceMaps[rdev].getOffset();
short devAddr = (short)(addr - devOff);
tpe.execute(new HardwareMemIrq(devices[rdev], devAddr));
tpe.execute(new HardwareMemIrq(devices[rdev], devAddr, (byte)sendIrq));
else if ( 0x10 <= dev && dev <= 0x1f ) {
short devOff = memDevMaps[rdev].getOffset();
short devAddr = (short)(addr - devOff);
tpe.execute(new HardwareMemIrq(memDevs[rdev], devAddr));
tpe.execute(new HardwareMemIrq(memDevs[rdev], devAddr, (byte)sendIrq));
@Override public void sendIrq(byte irq) {
if ( irq >= 16 ) { return; }
if ( devices[irq] != null ) { tpe.execute(new HardwareExec(devices[irq])); }
StackTraceElement ste = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1];
String className = ste.getClassName();
int sendIrq = 16;
int a;
for (a = 0; a < 16; a++) {
if (devices[a].getClass().getCanonicalName().equals(className)) {
sendIrq = a;
if ( devices[irq] != null ) { tpe.execute(new HardwareRecvIrq(devices[irq], (byte)sendIrq)); }
@Override public short length() { return (short)memory.length; };
......@@ -233,9 +255,6 @@ public class KBoard extends BaseDevice implements IMemory {
@Override public void exec() {
public void dumpEverything() {
dumpMemory("system", memory);
int a;
......@@ -256,7 +275,7 @@ public class KBoard extends BaseDevice implements IMemory {
dumpMemory(filename, temp);
public void dumpMemory(String filename, byte[] mem) {
File f = new File(filename.concat(".mem"));
File f = new File(filename.concat(".mem.txt"));
try { System.out.println(String.format("Writing %s", f.getCanonicalPath())); } catch (IOException x) {}
try (FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(f)) {
int max = mem.length;
......@@ -3,18 +3,22 @@ package me.felinewith.kcpu;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.hardware.kmcu.KmcuOpCodes;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.opcodes.OpDirector;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.Converter;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.helpers.ValueType;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.DefaultParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Option;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
......@@ -25,89 +29,259 @@ import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
public class Kasm {
private static PrintStream outer;
private static boolean verbose = false;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Options opts = new Options();
opts.addOption("b", "base", true, "Base address for binary");
opts.addOption("co", "cpu-opcodes", false, "Displays supported CPU opcodes");
opts.addOption("mo", "mcu-opcodes", false, "Displays supported MCU opcodes");
opts.addOption("v", "verbose", false, "Verbose output.");
opts.addOption("kasm", false, "Ignored.");
opts.addOption("help", "Show this help");
.desc("Program's base address. Emitted code will assume it is loaded to this address.")
.desc("Displays suppoted CPU opcodes")
.desc("Displays suported MCU opcodes.")
.desc("Verbose output.")
.desc("This option is ignored.")
.desc("Shows this help.")
.desc("Filename to use for building a single output file.")
String[] files = Arrays.copyOf(args, args.length);
KasmBuilder kb = Kasm.builder();
CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();
try {
CommandLine cli = parser.parse(opts, args);
if (cli.hasOption("help") || cli.hasOption("co") || cli.hasOption("mo")) {
if (cli.hasOption("help") || cli.hasOption("c") || cli.hasOption("m")) {
if (cli.hasOption("help")) {
HelpFormatter hf = new HelpFormatter();
hf.printHelp("kasm [options] [kasm ...]", "", opts,"Non-KASM files may be ignored.", false);
if (cli.hasOption("co")) {
if (cli.hasOption("cpu")) {
logln("Supported CPU Opcodes:");
for (OpDirector oc : OpDirector.values()) {
logln("\t[%10s] %s",, oc.getDescription());
if (cli.hasOption("mo")) {
if (cli.hasOption("mcu")) {
logln("Supported MCU Opcodes:");
for (KmcuOpCodes oc : KmcuOpCodes.values()) {
logln("\t%04x -> [%10s]", oc.getOpcode(),;
logln("\t[%10s] %s",, oc.getDescription());
if (cli.hasOption("v")) { verbose = true; }
if (cli.hasOption("verbose")) { kb.setVerbose(true); }
if (cli.hasOption("base")) { kb.setBASEaddr(Short.valueOf(cli.getOptionValue("base"))); }
if (cli.hasOption("output")) { kb.setFile(cli.getOptionValue("output")); }
files = cli.getArgs();
catch (ParseException x) {
logln("Parser error: %s", x.getMessage());
HelpFormatter hf = new HelpFormatter();
hf.printHelp("kasm [options] [kasm files]", "Header",opts,"Footer\nNote: Non-KASM text files may be ignored.", true);
hf.printHelp("kasm [options] [kasm files]", "Header", opts,
"Note: Non-KASM text files may be ignored.", true);
for (String a : args) {
Kasm kasm =;
for (String a : files) {
if ( a.endsWith(".kasm") ) {
try { assemble(a); }
try {
catch (IOException x) {}
* @return the outer
public static PrintStream getOuter() { return outer; }
* @param aOuter the outer to set
public static void setOuter(PrintStream aOuter) { outer = aOuter; }
private static void log(String format, Object... vals) {
if ( outer == null ) { return; }
outer.print(String.format(format, vals));
private static void logln(String format, Object... vals) {
if ( outer == null ) { return; }
outer.println(String.format(format, vals));
public static KasmBuilder builder() { return new Kasm.KasmBuilder(); }
private short BASEaddr;
private short mark;
private boolean verbose;
private File outFile = null;
private FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = null;
private ByteArrayOutputStream baos;
private short pc;
private Kasm() { }
private Kasm(KasmBuilder builder) {
BASEaddr = builder.BASEaddr;
if (builder.file != null) {
outFile = builder.file;
try { fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(outFile); }
catch (IOException x) {}
verbose = builder.verbose;
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
private String stripType(String input) {
if (input.contains(".")) { return input.substring(input.indexOf('.') + 1); }
switch (input.charAt(0)) {
case 'R': case 'r': case '%': case '$':
return input.substring(1);
return input;
private short asmType(String input) {
String test = input.toLowerCase();
if (test.startsWith("d.")) { return ValueType.D.getValue(); }
else if (test.startsWith("r") || test.startsWith("r.")) { return ValueType.R.getValue(); }
else if (test.startsWith("%") || test.startsWith("ad.")) { return ValueType.AD.getValue(); }
else if (test.startsWith("$") || test.startsWith("ar.")) { return ValueType.AR.getValue(); }
return ValueType.D.getValue();
private short numberize(String input) {
String temp = stripType(input).toUpperCase();
String[] pt;
int tmp;
static void assemble(String filename) throws IOException { assemble(new File(filename));}
static void assemble(File file) throws IOException {
File out = new File(file.getCanonicalPath().concat(".kc"));
// remove underscores, which are useful in reading numbers in code
if (temp.contains("_")) { temp = temp.replaceAll("_", ""); }
logln("\nInput : %s\nOutput: %s", file.getCanonicalPath(), out.getCanonicalPath());
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(out);
// replace assembler keywords with numbers
if (temp.contains("BASE")) { temp = temp.replaceAll("BASE", String.format("%d", BASEaddr)); }
if (temp.contains("MARK")) { temp = temp.replaceAll("MARK", String.format("%d", mark)); }
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(fis);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([0-9a-f]+),([0-9]+)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher m = p.matcher(temp);
// convert radix'd numbers
short radix;
while (m.find()) {
radix = Short.valueOf(, 10);
tmp = Integer.valueOf(, radix);
temp = temp.replace(, String.format("%d", (short)(0xffff & tmp)));
// perform any required math
p = Pattern.compile("([0-9a-f]+)([-+*\\/])([0-9a-f]+)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
m = p.matcher(temp);
while (m.find()) {
switch ( {
case "+":
tmp = Integer.valueOf( + Integer.valueOf(;
temp = temp.replace(, String.format("%d", (short)(0xffff & tmp)));
case "-":
tmp = Integer.valueOf( - Integer.valueOf(;
temp = temp.replace(, String.format("%d", (short)(0xffff & tmp)));
case "*":
tmp = Integer.valueOf( * Integer.valueOf(;
temp = temp.replace(, String.format("%d", (short)(0xffff & tmp)));
case "/":
tmp = Integer.valueOf( / Integer.valueOf(;
temp = temp.replace(, String.format("%d", (short)(0xffff & tmp)));
return (short)(0xffff & Integer.valueOf(temp));
void assemble(String filename) throws IOException { assemble(new File(filename));}
void assemble(File file) throws IOException {
String fn = file.getCanonicalPath();
fn = fn.substring(0, fn.lastIndexOf('.'));
File out = new File(String.format("%s.kc", fn));
logln("\nInput : %s\nOutput: %s", file.getCanonicalPath(),
(outFile == null)?out.getCanonicalPath():outFile.getCanonicalPath());
public void readFromFile(String filename) throws IOException { readFromFile(new File(filename));}
public void readFromFile(File file) throws IOException {
FileReader fr = new FileReader(file);
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
String line;
byte[] temp;
int a;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
temp = compile(line);
public void sendToFile(String filename) throws IOException { sendToFile(new File(filename)); }
public void sendToFile(File file) throws IOException {
if (outFile == null) { baos.writeTo(new FileOutputStream(file)); }
else { baos.writeTo(fileOutputStream); }
public void compile(String[] kasm) {
for (String s : kasm) { compile(s); }
public void compile(String kasm) {
byte[] temp = compileSegment(kasm);
baos.write(temp, 0, temp.length);
static public byte[] compile(String kasm) {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
public byte[] compileSegment(String[] kasm) {
ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] temp;
for (String s : kasm) {
temp = compileSegment(s);
output.write(temp, 0, temp.length);
return output.toByteArray();
public byte[] compileSegment(String kasm) {
ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
if ( kasm.startsWith("#") || kasm.startsWith("//") || kasm.length() == 0 ) {}
else {
if (kasm.contains("#")) { kasm = kasm.substring(0, kasm.indexOf("#") - 1); }
if (kasm.contains("//")) { kasm = kasm.substring(0, kasm.indexOf("//") - 1); }
String[] parts;
OpDirector opcode;
short ref = 0;
......@@ -116,18 +290,27 @@ public class Kasm {
else { parts = new String[]{kasm}; }
parts[0] = parts[0].toUpperCase();
if (parts[0].equals("FILL")) {
if (parts[0].equals("MARK")) { mark = pc; return new byte[0]; }
else if (parts[0].equals("FILL")) {
int a;
int max = numberize(parts[1]);
byte fill = 0;
if (parts.length >= 3) { fill = (byte)numberize(parts[2]); }
for (a = 0; a < max; a++) { baos.write(fill); }
return baos.toByteArray();
if (parts.length >= 3) { fill = (byte)(0xff & numberize(parts[2])); }
byte[] bytes = compileSegment(String.format("jmpu %d", max));
output.write(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
for (a = 0; a < max; a++) { output.write(fill); }
pc += output.size();
return output.toByteArray();
else {
opcode = OpDirector.valueOf(parts[0]);
if (verbose) { log("[%10s] ",; }
writeShort(baos, opcode.getOpcode());
writeShort(output, opcode.getOpcode());
short plen = (short)parts.length;
if (plen >= 5) { plen = 5; }
plen = (short)(2 + (plen * 2));
pc += plen;
if (verbose) { log(" : "); }
if (parts.length >= 2) { ref += asmType(parts[1]); }
......@@ -140,90 +323,53 @@ public class Kasm {
else if (parts.length >= 3) { ref += 0x0200; }
else if (parts.length >= 2) { ref += 0x0100; }
writeShort(baos, ref);
writeShort(output, ref);
if (verbose) { log(" -> "); }
if (parts.length >= 2) { writeShort(baos, numberize(parts[1])); }
if (parts.length >= 3) { writeShort(baos, numberize(parts[2])); }
if (parts.length >= 4) { writeShort(baos, numberize(parts[3])); }
if (parts.length >= 5) { writeShort(baos, numberize(parts[4])); }
if (parts.length >= 2) { writeShort(output, numberize(parts[1])); }
if (parts.length >= 3) { writeShort(output, numberize(parts[2])); }
if (parts.length >= 4) { writeShort(output, numberize(parts[3])); }
if (parts.length >= 5) { writeShort(output, numberize(parts[4])); }
if (verbose) { logln(""); }
return baos.toByteArray();
return output.toByteArray();
static void writeShort(ByteArrayOutputStream baos, short value) {
void writeShort(ByteArrayOutputStream output, short value) {
byte[] temp = Converter.short2bytes(value);
if (verbose) { log("%02x%02x ", temp[0], temp[1]); }
baos.write(temp, 0, temp.length);
static void writeShort(FileOutputStream fos, short value) throws IOException {
byte[] v = Converter.short2bytes(value);
if (verbose) { log("[%02x%02x]", v[0], v[1]); }
output.write(temp, 0, temp.length);
static String stripType(String input) {
if (asmType(input) == 0) { return input; }
return input.substring(1);
static short asmType(String input) { return asmType(input.charAt(0)); }
static short asmType(char input) {
switch (input) {
case 'r': return 0x01;
case '%': return 0x02;
case '$': return 0x03;
default: return 0x00;
static short numberize(String input) {
String temp = stripType(input);
String[] pt;
if (temp.contains("_")) { temp = temp.replaceAll("_", ""); }
if (temp.contains(",")) {
pt = temp.split("[,]");
short radix = Short.valueOf(pt[1], 10);
return (short)(0xffff & Integer.valueOf(pt[0], radix));
else { return (short)(0xffff & Integer.valueOf(temp)); }
* @return the outer
public static PrintStream getOuter() { return outer; }
* @param aOuter the outer to set
public static void setOuter(PrintStream aOuter) { outer = aOuter; }
private static void log(String format, Object... vals) {
if ( outer == null ) { return; }
outer.print(String.format(format, vals));
private static void logln(String format, Object... vals) {
if ( outer == null ) { return; }
outer.println(String.format(format, vals));
public void reset() { baos.reset(); }
public void close() {
if (fileOutputStream != null) {
try { fileOutputStream.close(); }
catch (IOException x) {}
public static KasmBuilder builder() { return new Kasm.KasmBuilder(); }
short BASEaddr;
private Kasm() { }
private Kasm(KasmBuilder builder) {
BASEaddr = builder.BASEaddr;
public static class KasmBuilder {
short BASEaddr;
short BASEaddr = 0;
boolean verbose = false;
File file = null;
public KasmBuilder() { }
public Kasm build() { return new Kasm(this); }
public KasmBuilder setBASEaddr(short BASEaddr) { this.BASEaddr = BASEaddr; return this; }
public KasmBuilder setFile(String file) {
String temp = file;
int t = file.lastIndexOf('.');
if (t == -1) { temp = String.format("%s.kc", file); }
else if (!file.substring(t + 1).equals("kc")) { temp = String.format("%s.kc", file.substring(0, t)); }
return setFile(new File(temp));
public KasmBuilder setFile(File file) { this.file = file; return this; }
public KasmBuilder setVerbose(boolean verbose) { this.verbose = verbose; return this; }
package me.felinewith.kcpu;
import java.util.Arrays;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.interfaces.IMemory;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.opcodes.OpDirector;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.BaseDevice;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.CPUStoppedException;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.Converter;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.helpers.MemHelper;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.helpers.ValueHelper;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.helpers.ValueType;
......@@ -42,9 +45,20 @@ public class Kcpu extends BaseDevice {
short[] registers;
private KBoard kboard;
Thread initThread;
public Kcpu(KBoard system) {
memory = new byte[0x0800];
* memory ranges:
* 0x0000 - 0x00ff : data stack
* 0x0100 - 0x017f : pc stack (return stack)
* 0x0180 - 0x019f : interrupt vectors
* 0x0120 : data stack pointer
* 0x0122 : pc stack pointer
* 0x0124 ~ unused
* 0x01ff : interrupt (boolean value)
memory = new byte[0x0200];
name = "Kcpu";
settings = new short[6];
kboard = system;
......@@ -54,30 +68,45 @@ public class Kcpu extends BaseDevice {
@Override public void init(IMemory system) {
initThread = Thread.currentThread();
@Override public void exec() { workCycle(); }
// need to prevent other devices from writing to CPU internals
@Override public void write(short offset, byte data) { }
@Override public byte read(short addr) {
if ( (0xffff & addr) > length() ) { return (byte)0xff; }
return memory[0xffff & addr];
@Override public void recvIrq(byte irq) {
synchronized (initThread) {
short[] regs = Arrays.copyOf(registers, registers.length);
short counter = pc;
if (Thread.currentThread().getId() != initThread.getId()) {
regs = Arrays.copyOf(registers, registers.length);
counter = pc;
@Override public void write(short offset, byte data) { }
@Override public void copy(short addrSrc, short addrDest, IMemory dest) { }
short start = (short)((irq * 2) + 0x0180);
pc = Converter.bytes2short(new byte[]{memory[start], memory[start + 1]});
try {
while (true) { workCycle(); Thread.yield(); }
catch (CPUStoppedException x) {}
@Override public void memIrq(short addr) {
if (0 <= addr && addr <= memory.length) { exec(); }
if (Thread.currentThread().getId() != initThread.getId()) {
registers = Arrays.copyOf(regs, regs.length);
pc = counter;
public int workCycle() {
public void workCycle() throws CPUStoppedException {
if (pc >= 0xfff0) { pc = 0; }
short inst = MemHelper.readShort(pc, kboard);
short ref = MemHelper.readShort(pc + 2, kboard);
short[] values = new short[4];
if ((0xffff & inst) == 0xffff){
short[] values = new short[]{(short)0, (short)1, (short)2, (short)3};
if ((0xffff & inst) == 0xff1b){
switch (0x0700 & ref) {
case 0x0700: case 0x0600: case 0x0500:
......@@ -96,8 +125,20 @@ public class Kcpu extends BaseDevice {
log("%04x : [%10s] %04x ->", pc, ((od == null)?"nop", ref);
log(" %04x %04x %04x %04x ", registers[0], registers[1], registers[2], registers[3]);
log(" %04x %04x %04x %04x\t\t", registers[0], registers[1], registers[2], registers[3]);
// bring up the program counter
if (od == null) { pc += 12; return; } // inc if nop
pc += 4;
pc += (((0x0700 & ref) >> 8) * 2);
// this works because the value starts counting at 1
switch(0x0700 & ref) {
case 0x0000: ref += ValueType.R.getValue();
case 0x0100: ref += (ValueType.R.getValue() << 2);
case 0x0200: ref += (ValueType.R.getValue() << 4);
case 0x0300: ref += (ValueType.R.getValue() << 6);
if ((0x0700 & ref) >= 0x0100) { log(" %2s.%04x", ValueType.valueOf(ref, 0), values[0]); }
if ((0x0700 & ref) >= 0x0200) { log(" %2s.%04x", ValueType.valueOf(ref, 1), values[1]); }
......@@ -105,72 +146,65 @@ public class Kcpu extends BaseDevice {
if ((0x0700 & ref) >= 0x0400) { log(" %2s.%04x", ValueType.valueOf(ref, 3), values[3]); }
if (od == null) { pc += 12; return 0; } // inc if nop
pc += 4;
pc += (((0x0700 & ref) >> 8) * 2);
if ( od.hasHandler() ) {
registers =, ref, registers, values, kboard);
return 0;
short data = ValueHelper.readShort(0, ref, registers, values, kboard);
switch (od) {
// device management
case DEVA: registers[0] = kboard.checkDevice(data); return 0;
case DEVD: kboard.detachDevice(data); return 0;
case DEVA: registers[0] = kboard.checkDevice(data); return;
case DEVD: kboard.detachDevice(data); return;
case DEVM:
kboard.setDeviceRange(data, ValueHelper.readShort(1, ref, registers, values, kboard));
return 0;
case DEVP:
KMemoryRange kmr = kboard.getDeviceRange(data);
registers[0] = kmr.getOffset();
registers[1] = kmr.getLength();
return 0;
// interrupts
case IRQD: kboard.sendIrq((byte)(0x000f & data)); return 0;
case IRQM: kboard.memIrq(data); return 0;
case IRQD: kboard.sendIrq((byte)(0x000f & data)); return;
case IRQM: kboard.memIrq(data, (byte)0); return;
// jumps
case JMP: pc = (short)(pc + (0xffff & data)); return 0;
case JMPA: pc = data; return 0;
case JMPD: pc = (short)(pc - (0xffff & data)); return 0;
case JMP: case JMPU: pc = (short)(pc + (0xffff & data)); return;
case JMPA: pc = data; return;
case JMPD: pc = (short)(pc - (0xffff & data)); return;
case GPC:
registers = ValueHelper.writeShort(0, ref, registers, values, kboard, pc);
return 0;
case ZPWR: return 0xff;
registers[0] = pc;
case ZPWR: throw new CPUStoppedException("zpwr");
short data2 = ValueHelper.readShort(1, ref, registers, values, kboard);
short data3 = ValueHelper.readShort(2, ref, registers, values, kboard);
switch (od) {
// conditionals
case JE: if (data == data2) { pc += data3; } return 0;
case JAE: if (data == data2) { pc = data3; } return 0;
case JDE: if (data == data2) { pc -= data3; } return 0;
case JG: if (data > data2) { pc += data3; } return 0;
case JAG: if (data > data2) { pc = data3; } return 0;
case JDG: if (data > data2) { pc -= data3; } return 0;
case JL: if (data < data2) { pc += data3; } return 0;
case JAL: if (data < data2) { pc = data3; } return 0;
case JDL: if (data < data2) { pc -= data3; } return 0;
case JGE: if (data >= data2) { pc += data3; } return 0;
case JAGE: if (data >= data2) { pc = data3; } return 0;
case JDGE: if (data >= data2) { pc -= data3; } return 0;
case JLE: if (data <= data2) { pc += data3; } return 0;
case JALE: if (data <= data2) { pc = data3; } return 0;
case JDLE: if (data <= data2) { pc -= data3; } return 0;
case JE: if (data == data2) { pc += data3; } return;
case JAE: if (data == data2) { pc = data3; } return;
case JDE: if (data == data2) { pc -= data3; } return;
case JG: if (data > data2) { pc += data3; } return;
case JAG: if (data > data2) { pc = data3; } return;
case JDG: if (data > data2) { pc -= data3; } return;
case JL: if (data < data2) { pc += data3; } return;
case JAL: if (data < data2) { pc = data3; } return;
case JDL: if (data < data2) { pc -= data3; } return;
case JGE: if (data >= data2) { pc += data3; } return;
case JAGE: if (data >= data2) { pc = data3; } return;
case JDGE: if (data >= data2) { pc -= data3; } return;
case JLE: if (data <= data2) { pc += data3; } return;
case JALE: if (data <= data2) { pc = data3; } return;
case JDLE: if (data <= data2) { pc -= data3; } return;
case VCMP:
registers[0] = 0;
if (data != data2) { registers[0] += 0x0001; }
if (data >= data2) { registers[0] += 0x0002; }
if (data == data2) { registers[0] += 0x0004; }
if (data <= data2) { registers[0] += 0x0008; }
return 0;
return 0;
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public class Kemulator {
ArrayList<Option> option = new ArrayList<>();
package me.felinewith.kcpu.hardware;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.hardware.kmcu.KmcuOp;
import java.util.Arrays;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.Converter;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.hardware.kmcu.KmcuOp;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.BaseDevice;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.Converter;
......@@ -38,11 +38,6 @@ public class Kmcu extends BaseDevice {
name = "Kmcp";
@Override public void exec() {
private void workInit(short setting) {
byte[] reg;
if (setting == 0) { reg = Arrays.copyOfRange(memory, 0, 7); }
......@@ -465,9 +460,15 @@ public class Kmcu extends BaseDevice {
return output;
@Override public void memIrq(short addr) {
if ( 0 <= addr && addr <= memory.length ) { exec(); }
@Override public void memIrq(short addr, byte irq) {
if ( 0 <= addr && addr <= memory.length ) {
@Override public void sendIrq(byte irq) { }
@Override public void recvIrq(byte irq) {
......@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ public interface IDevice extends IMemory {
public void init(IMemory board);
public abstract void sendIrq(byte irq);
public void exec();
public abstract void recvIrq(byte irq);
......@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ public interface IMemory {
public abstract short length();
public abstract byte read(short addr);
public abstract void write(short addr, byte data);
public void copy(short addrSrc, short addrDest, IMemory dest);
public abstract void memIrq(short addr);
public abstract void memIrq(short addr, byte irq);
public void powerOff();
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import;
import java.util.Arrays;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.Kasm;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.Kasm.KasmBuilder;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.BaseMemory;
......@@ -15,42 +16,42 @@ import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.BaseMemory;
public class BootRom extends BaseMemory {
private short writepos;
private short prev;
private short prev2;
private boolean writable;
public BootRom() {
writepos = 0;
prev = 0;
prev2 = 0;
writable = false;
writable = true;
memory = new byte[0x1000];
Arrays.fill(memory, (byte)0xff);
KasmBuilder kb = Kasm.builder();
Kasm kasm =;
// hardcoding some bootrom
writeBytes(Kasm.compile("movs $0 r2"));
writeBytes(Kasm.compile("add r0 16"));
writeBytes(Kasm.compile("add r2 1"));
writeBytes(Kasm.compile("movs $0 r2"));
writeBytes(Kasm.compile("jdl r0 512 22,16"));
//writeBytes(kasm.compileSegment("movs $0 r2"));
writeBytes(kasm.compileSegment("add r0 16"));
writeBytes(kasm.compileSegment("add r2 1"));
writeBytes(kasm.compileSegment("movs $0 r2"));
writeBytes(kasm.compileSegment("jdl r0 512 mark"));
//writeBytes(Kasm.compile("movs r0 0"));
//writeBytes(Kasm.compile("movs r1 0"));
//writeBytes(Kasm.compile("movs r2 0"));
//writeBytes(Kasm.compile("movs r3 0"));
writeBytes(Kasm.compile("gpc %0300,16"));
writeBytes(Kasm.compile("mov ff00,16 61,16"));
writeBytes(Kasm.compile("irqm ff01,16"));
writeBytes(kasm.compileSegment("mov ff00,16 61,16"));
writeBytes(kasm.compileSegment("irqm ff01,16"));
@Override public void memIrq(short addr) {
writable = ((prev2 == 0x4b63) && (prev == 0x7075) && (addr == 0x7f));
if ((0xff & prev) == 0) { prev += addr; }
else if ((0xff00 & prev) == 0) { prev = (short)(prev << 8); prev += addr; }
else { prev2 = prev; }
// writable at the start, so smart ROMs can rewrite themselves to rearrange stuff
// useful for moving devices around the address space at boot-time
// then a simple program can write a device table into ROM space
// finally, send an interrupt to the ROM device to lock it
@Override public void memIrq(short addr, byte irq) { writable = false; }
@Override public void write(short addr, byte data) {
if (!writable) { return; }
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public class Buffer extends BaseMemory {
bufout = new OutputStreamWriter(stdout);
@Override public void memIrq(short addr) {
@Override public void memIrq(short addr, byte irq) {
short a;
short value;
if (addr <= 0x0f) {
package me.felinewith.kcpu.opcodes;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.helpers.ValueHelper;
import java.util.Arrays;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.interfaces.IMemory;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.util.helpers.ValueHelper;
......@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ import me.felinewith.kcpu.interfaces.IMemory;
public class Memory implements IOpcodeHandler {
@Override public short[] opcode(OpDirector opcode, short pc, short ref, short[] regs, short[] values, IMemory memory) {
short data;
short[] output = Arrays.copyOf(regs, regs.length);
short addr = ValueHelper.readShort(0, ref, output, values, memory);
short data;
switch (opcode) {
case MOV: case MOVB:
data = ValueHelper.readByte(1, ref, output, values, memory);
......@@ -18,43 +18,59 @@ public enum OpDirector {
MOV (0x0010, Memory.class, "Alias for MOVB"), MOVB(0x0010, Memory.class, "dest value"),
MOVS(0x0011, Memory.class, "dest value"),
// stack manipulation
PUSH(0x1000, "value: push value to stack"),
POP (0x1001, "pop value off stack"),
CALL(0x1002, "addr: call function at address"),
RET (0x1003, "return from function"),
IRET(0x10f0, "return from interrupt state (does nothing in normal mode)"),
// interrupt vector management
IVEC(0x10f1, "irq addr: set function address for interrupt irq"),
// cpu stuffies
DEVA(0xff00, "n0; get device at address n0"), // get device port from address
DEVD(0xff01, "n0: detach device on port n0"), // detach device
DEVM(0xff02, "n0 n1: relocate device n0 to address n1"), // relocate device
DEVP(0x1003, "n0: get device address for device on port n0"), // get device address from port
DEVA(0xff00, "addr; get device at address"), // get device port from address
DEVD(0xff01, "port: detach device on port"), // detach device
DEVM(0xff02, "port newaddr: relocate device to address"), // relocate device
DEVP(0x1003, "port: get device address for device on port"), // get device address from port
IRQD(0xff10, "n0: send interrupt to port n0"), // interrupt to port
IRQM(0xff11, "n0: send interrupt to memory address n0"), // interrupt to memory
// interrupts
IRQD(0xff10, "port: send interrupt to port"), // interrupt to port
IRQM(0xff11, "addr: send interrupt to memory address"), // interrupt to memory
// jumps
JMP (0xff18, "Alias of JMPU"), // jump up
JMPU(0xff18, "n0: jump up n0 addresses"),
JMPA(0xff19, "n0: jump to address n0"), // jump absolute addr
JMPD(0xff1a, "n0: jump down n0 addresses"), // jump down
JMPU(0xff18, "addr: jump up n0 addresses"),
JMPA(0xff19, "addr: jump to address n0"), // jump absolute addr
JMPD(0xff1a, "addr: jump down n0 addresses"), // jump down
GPC (0xff1b, "write instruction pointer"), // get instruction pointer
// comparisson jumps
JE (0xff20, "Alias of JUE"), // jump if =
JUE (0xff20, "n0 n1 n2: jump if n0 == n1, see JMPU"),
JAE (0xff21, "n0 n1 n2: jump if n0 == n1, see JMPA"),
JDE (0xff22, "n0 n1 n2: jump if n0 == n1, see JMPD"),
JUE (0xff20, "n0 n1 addr: jump if n0 == n1, see JMPU"),
JAE (0xff21, "n0 n1 addr: jump if n0 == n1, see JMPA"),
JDE (0xff22, "n0 n1 addr: jump if n0 == n1, see JMPD"),
JG (0xff23, "Alias of JUG"), // jump if >
JUG (0xff23, "n0 n1 n2: jump if n0 > n1, see JMPU"),
JAG (0xff24, "n0 n1 n2: jump if n0 > n1, see JMPA"),
JDG (0xff25, "n0 n1 n2: jump if n0 > n1, see JMPD"),
JUG (0xff23, "n0 n1 addr: jump if n0 > n1, see JMPU"),
JAG (0xff24, "n0 n1 addr: jump if n0 > n1, see JMPA"),
JDG (0xff25, "n0 n1 addr: jump if n0 > n1, see JMPD"),
JL (0xff26, "Alias of JUL"), // jump if <
JUL (0xff26, "n0 n1 n2: jump if n0 < n1, see JMPU"),
JAL (0xff27, "n0 n1 n2: jump if n0 < n1, see JMPA"),
JDL (0xff28, "n0 n1 n2: jump if n0 < n1, see JMPD"),
JUL (0xff26, "n0 n1 addr: jump if n0 < n1, see JMPU"),
JAL (0xff27, "n0 n1 addr: jump if n0 < n1, see JMPA"),
JDL (0xff28, "n0 n1 addr: jump if n0 < n1, see JMPD"),
JGE (0xff29, "Alias of JUGE"), // jump if >=
JUGE(0xff29, "n0 n1 n2: jump if n0 >= n1, see JMPU"),
JAGE(0xff2a, "n0 n1 n2: jump if n0 >= n1, see JMPA"),
JDGE(0xff2b, "n0 n1 n2: jump if n0 >= n1, see JMPD"),
JUGE(0xff29, "n0 n1 addr: jump if n0 >= n1, see JMPU"),
JAGE(0xff2a, "n0 n1 addr: jump if n0 >= n1, see JMPA"),
JDGE(0xff2b, "n0 n1 addr: jump if n0 >= n1, see JMPD"),
JLE (0xff2c, "Alias of JULE"), // jump if <=
JULE(0xff2c, "n0 n1 n2: jump if n0 <= n1, see JMPU"),
JALE(0xff2d, "n0 n1 n2: jump if n0 <= n1, see JMPA"),
JDLE(0xff2e, "n0 n1 n2: jump if n0 <= n1, see JMPD"),
JULE(0xff2c, "n0 n1 addr: jump if n0 <= n1, see JMPU"),
JALE(0xff2d, "n0 n1 addr: jump if n0 <= n1, see JMPA"),
JDLE(0xff2e, "n0 n1 addr: jump if n0 <= n1, see JMPD"),
// value compare
VCMP(0xff2f, "n0 n1: performs multiple comparissons of n0 and n1"),
// power
ZPWR(0xffff, "Power off"), // power off
......@@ -16,16 +16,13 @@ public abstract class BaseDevice extends BaseMemory implements IDevice {
board = system;
@Override public void memIrq(short addr) {
if ( 0 <= addr && addr <= memory.length ) { exec(); }
protected void sendIrq() {
int addr = memory.length - 1;
@Override public void sendIrq(byte irq) { }
@Override public void recvIrq(byte irq) { }
@Override public short length() { return (short)memory.length; }
......@@ -26,13 +26,7 @@ public abstract class BaseMemory implements IMemory {
memory[0xffff & addr] = data;
public final void copy(int addrSrc, int addrDest, IMemory dest) { copy((short)addrSrc, (short)addrDest, dest); }
@Override public void copy(short addrSrc, short addrDest, IMemory dest) {
if ( (0xffff & addrSrc) > length() ) { return; }
dest.write(addrDest, read(addrSrc));
@Override public void memIrq(short addr) { }
@Override public void memIrq(short addr, byte irq) { }
@Override public void powerOff() { }
package me.felinewith.kcpu.util;
* @author jlhawkwell
public class CPUStoppedException extends Exception {
* Creates a new instance of <code>CPUStoppedException</code> without detail message.
public CPUStoppedException() {
* Constructs an instance of <code>CPUStoppedException</code> with the specified detail message.
* @param msg the detail message.
public CPUStoppedException(String msg) {
package me.felinewith.kcpu.util;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import me.felinewith.kcpu.interfaces.IDevice;
* @author jlhawkwell
public class HardwareExec extends TimerTask {
IDevice id;
public HardwareExec(IDevice device) {
id = device;
@Override public void run() { id.exec(); }
......@@ -11,10 +11,15 @@ public class HardwareMemIrq extends TimerTask {
IMemory id;
short a;
byte i;
public HardwareMemIrq(IMemory device, short addr) {
public HardwareMemIrq(IMemory device, short addr, byte irq) {
id = device;
a = addr;
i = irq;
@Override public void run() {
Thread.currentThread().setName(String.format("memIRQ-%02x-%x", id, Thread.currentThread().getId() ));
id.memIrq(a, i);
@Override public void run() { id.memIrq(a); }
......@@ -7,14 +7,17 @@ import me.felinewith.kcpu.interfaces.IDevice;
* @author jlhawkwell
public class HardwareSendIrq extends TimerTask {
public class HardwareRecvIrq extends TimerTask {
IDevice id;
byte i;
public HardwareSendIrq(IDevice device, byte irq) {
public HardwareRecvIrq(IDevice device, byte irq) {
id = device;
i = irq;
@Override public void run() { id.sendIrq(i); }
@Override public void run() {
Thread.currentThread().setName(String.format("recvIRQ-%02x_%02x-%x", id, i, Thread.currentThread().getId() ));
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ public class ValueHelper {
case 2: cref = (short)(0x0030 & ref); break;
case 3: cref = (short)(0x00c0 & ref); break;
switch (cref) {
case 0x0000: output = values[pos]; break;
case 0x0001: case 0x0004: case 0x0010: case 0x0040:
......@@ -55,10 +56,14 @@ public class ValueHelper {
case 2: cref = (short)(0x0030 & ref); break;
case 3: cref = (short)(0x00c0 & ref); break;
// short-circuit write to register if position isn't used in the instruction
if (pos > ((0x0f00 & reg) >> 8)) { cref = 1; }
switch (cref) {
case 0x0000:
case 0x0001: case 0x0004: case 0x0010: case 0x0040:
output[reg] = data; break;
case 0x0000:
case 0x0002: case 0x0008: case 0x0020: case 0x0080:
MemHelper.writeByte(values[pos], data, memory); break;
case 0x0003: case 0x000c: case 0x0030: case 0x00c0:
......@@ -109,10 +114,16 @@ public class ValueHelper {
case 2: cref = (short)(0x0030 & ref); break;
case 3: cref = (short)(0x00c0 & ref); break;
// short-circuit write to register if position isn't used in the instruction
if (pos > ((0x0f00 & ref) >> 8)) {
cref = 1;
switch (cref) {
case 0x0000:
case 0x0001: case 0x0004: case 0x0010: case 0x0040:
output[reg] = data; break;
case 0x0000:
case 0x0002: case 0x0008: case 0x0020: case 0x0080:
MemHelper.writeShort(values[pos], data, memory); break;
case 0x0003: case 0x000c: case 0x0030: case 0x00c0:
......@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ public enum ValueType {
int t;
private ValueType(int type) { t = type; }
short t;
private ValueType(int type) { t = (short)type; }
public static ValueType valueOf(int value, int position) {
int temp = value >> (position * 2);
......@@ -24,5 +24,5 @@ public enum ValueType {
return D;
public int getValue() { return t; }
public short getValue() { return t; }
......@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ movs $0 r2
add r0 16
add r2 1
movs $0 r2
jdl r0 512 2a,16
jdl r0 512 20,16+a,16
deva 0
deva 1
gpc %300,16
gpc %100,16+300,16
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